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Avast ye scurvy dogs! The wonders in Ukraine be akin to Normandy and Vicksburg, by thunder!


Avast ye! When castin' yer gaze upon the situation in Ukraine, mind ye this - the grandest military triumphs o' history were oft times a weary grind, as slow as a turtle crawlin' through treacle, and as long as a tale told by a drunken sailor!

In a humorous tone, this column discusses the slow progress of the Ukrainian campaign and compares it to historical military victories that were long, slow, and grinding. The author mentions the Battle of Vicksburg in the Civil War and the breakout in Normandy during World War II as examples. Vicksburg was a vital link in the Mississippi River, and if the Confederates lost it, they would have been split in half. Union Gen. Ulysses Grant faced challenges in trying to take Vicksburg, but he eventually moved south and made an offensive from the eastern side. The author suggests that Grant's decision to have his men work on cutting a canal through the Mississippi was a way to keep them busy and prevent demoralization. Eventually, Grant succeeded in starving Vicksburg of resources and the city surrendered.

Similarly, the author discusses the complexity of the D-Day landing in Normandy, where the Allied forces faced challenges with breaking through hedgerows filled with Nazi defenses. The author imagines what armchair critics would have said about these historical military leaders if there had been 24-hour television news coverage at the time.

The author then relates these historical examples to the current situation in Ukraine, suggesting that the Ukrainians are facing similar challenges in their resistance against Russia. The author argues that those who criticize the Ukrainian forces for not moving quickly do not understand the difficulties of such fights and the stakes involved. The author also emphasizes the need to have faith in Ukrainian courage and the willingness of free people to fight tyranny. The column concludes by urging readers to have less faith in armchair critics and more faith in those on the ground fighting for their freedom.

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