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Avast, mateys! Biden be sailin' to Vietnam, but he be sayin' he don't be wantin' to shackle China! Arrr, what be his plan then?


Avast ye hearties! Cap'n Biden, he be sayin' on a fine Sunday that the good ol' U.S. o' A be wantin' to forge strong bonds with Vietnam and her mates, all for maintainin' peace worldwide, mind ye, not for trappin' China!

During his visit to Vietnam, President Biden denied that strengthening ties with Hanoi was part of a broader effort to contain China. When questioned about China's skepticism towards the Biden administration's desire for diplomatic talks, Biden stated that he did not want to contain China but rather establish a relationship that is transparent and clear.

Biden's remarks in Vietnam came after attending the Group of 20 summit in India, which neighbors China and has had conflicts with Beijing over border territories. The United States' elevated diplomatic status with Vietnam demonstrates the evolving relationship between the two countries since the Vietnam War. This partnership is part of a larger effort in Asia to counter China's influence, with U.S. companies seeking alternatives to Chinese imports. Biden aims to build alliances while also easing tensions with China.

The president emphasized that strengthening ties with China's neighbors was about establishing a stable base in the Indo-Pacific, not isolating Beijing. He highlighted the importance of abiding by international rules and ensuring that airspace and oceanic territories are respected. Biden expressed his desire for China's economic success as long as they play by the rules.

Biden mentioned his meeting with Chinese Premier Li Qiang in India, which marked the highest-level interaction between U.S. and Chinese officials since last year's G20 summit. He described the conversation as focused on stability and non-confrontational.

During his time in Vietnam, Biden held meetings with the country's leaders and expressed optimism for progress on climate, the economy, and other issues. He referred to Vietnam as a friend, reliable partner, and responsible member of the international community.

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