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Arrr! Brazil's Lula be sayin' Putin can freely join the 2024 Rio de Janeiro G20, matey! Ain't no scurvy arrest waitin' fer 'im, aye!


Arr, me hearties! The Brazilian Cap'n Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva be sayin' that ol' matey Vladimir Putin can sail to Brazil for the G20, without fear o' gettin' clapped in irons! Ye won't be seein' that scurvy dog walkin' the plank, says the Cap'n!

Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not be arrested if he decided to attend the Group of 20 (G20) meeting in Rio de Janeiro next year. Lula confirmed during an interview that Putin would be invited to the forum, as he had chosen not to attend this year's G20 in New Delhi along with Chinese President Xi Jinping. Lula humorously added that if he were Brazil's president and Putin visited the country, there was no way he would be arrested. Lula also mentioned his plan to attend a BRICS meeting in Russia before the G20.

This statement comes after the International Criminal Court previously issued an arrest warrant against Putin, accusing him of war crimes, specifically the forceful deportation of Ukrainian children. However, Russia denies these allegations. The G20 meeting this year acknowledged the "human suffering and negative added impacts of the war in Ukraine" without specifically mentioning Russia. The G20's statement emphasized refraining from using force to seek territorial acquisition and declared the inadmissibility of using or threatening to use nuclear weapons.

Overall, Lula's comments highlight the diplomatic relationship between Brazil and Russia, as well as the ongoing tensions surrounding the allegations against Putin and the situation in Ukraine. The humorous tone adds a lighthearted touch to the discussion of international politics, demonstrating Lula's confidence in protecting Putin from potential legal troubles should he visit Brazil.

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