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Arr! The Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, be stranded in India after the G20 summit, all 'cause of a cursed aircraft problem!


Arr, mateys! The Canadian Cap'n Justin Trudeau be stranded in India, for his mighty ship encountered a mechanical mishap! His crew claims he be settin' sail on Tuesday afternoon, God willing! Fair winds be with ye, Cap'n Trudeau!

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is currently stranded in India after his aircraft experienced a technical issue, according to his office. Trudeau was trying to leave India on Sunday after attending the Group of 20 summit in New Delhi when the Canadian Armed Forces discovered a mechanical problem. The departure was then rescheduled to Tuesday afternoon at the earliest, leaving the entire Canadian delegation stranded. Trudeau's office stated that the issues with the aircraft are not fixable overnight, so the delegation will be staying in India until alternate arrangements are made.

During the G20 conference, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi scolded Trudeau over anti-Indian protests by Sikh separatists in Canada. The Canadian government allowed the protestors to have a parade in June, which included a float depicting the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. Modi reportedly criticized the Canadian government for promoting secessionism and inciting violence against Indian diplomats. Fox News Digital reached out to Trudeau's office for a statement but has not received a response.

Trudeau's unexpected extended stay in India adds to recent challenges and controversies he has faced. Earlier this year, he announced his separation from his wife of 18 years. Additionally, Trudeau recently ousted seven ministers in a massive cabinet shakeup. With his current predicament of being stuck in India due to a faulty aircraft, Trudeau's troubles seem to be far from over.

In conclusion, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing an unexpected delay in leaving India due to a technical issue with his aircraft. The entire Canadian delegation is also stranded in India until alternate arrangements can be made. This incident comes after Trudeau faced criticism from Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi over anti-Indian protests in Canada. Trudeau's extended stay in India adds to the series of challenges and controversies he has experienced recently.

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