The Booty Report

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Arr, hear ye, mateys! Afore ye, the secrets of Kim Jong-un's bulletproof vessel be unveiled!


Sailing off to Russia to parley with Cap'n Vladimir Putin, the North Korean skipper chose to venture via rail, aboard a choo-choo boasting queer traits.

Avast ye scallywags! The North Korean leader, known as Kim Jong-un, decided to set sail for Russia to parley with none other than President Vladimir Putin. But hold yer horses, me hearties! This daring captain had a peculiar way of travelin' - he chose to ride the rail, on a train like no other!

Arr, ye might be askin' yerself, what be so special 'bout this train? Well, me mateys, let me tell ye! This train be fit for a pirate king, with all sorts of extravagant features that would make Blackbeard himself green with envy! It be said that the train consists of not one, but six carriages, all equipped with luxurious accommodations and fancy furnishings.

But the real treasure lies within, me hearties! The train be carryin' facilities that be fit for a true pirate lord. Word has it that there be a private conference room, so the leaders can discuss their loot in total secrecy. And ye won't believe this, but there be a built-in sauna too! Avast! Can ye imagine the sight of these two leaders, sweat drippin' down their brows like they've been toiling on a ship's deck?

Now, me hearties, pay close attention to this next part, for it be the most hilarious of all! The train be said to be equipped with a state-of-the-art entertainment system, complete with a selection of pirate-themed movies. Arr, can ye picture it? Kim Jong-un, sittin' on a plush velvet seat, watchin' Johnny Depp prancin' about as Captain Jack Sparrow. Shiver me timbers! That be a sight to behold!

So, me hearties, as we sail through these modern times, it warms me old pirate heart to see leaders embracin' their inner buccaneers. We can only hope that this meeting between these two seafarin' souls brings peace and harmony to the seven seas. Yo ho ho, and a bottle of rum!

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