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Avast ye, me hearties! Hunter Biden's mad laptop lawswuit, sneaky schemes to defund ICE, and other Fox News blather! Arrr!


Avast ye mateys! Get yer peepers on th' freshest scrawlin's from Fox News Opinion, an' feast yer eyes on the moving pictures o' Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, Laura Ingraham, an' many a scurvy dog, if ye dare!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of 17th-century pirates, Jesse Watters from Fox News criticizes President Biden for his absence at the 9/11 commemoration ceremonies. Watters suggests that Biden's absence further proves his incompetence as a leader.
Another article on Fox News highlights the radical plans of Team Biden to defund ICE and remake the agency. The article encourages readers to continue reading to learn more about these plans.
Jonathan Turley's piece discusses the bizarre lawsuit surrounding Hunter Biden's laptop. The article highlights the most striking aspect of the lawsuit and invites readers to continue reading for more information.
A Fox News opinion piece explores the contrasting experiences of witnessing pure evil and pure love on 9/11. The author shares personal experiences of seeing people jump to their deaths during the terror attacks and witnessing acts of humanity at their best.
Former politician Newt Gingrich draws parallels between the miracle in Ukraine and historical events such as Normandy and Vicksburg. The article encourages readers to continue reading to discover the shared aspects.
There is an article addressing the issue of organized shoplifting, which is estimated to be a $100-billion problem. The article suggests that this problem affects everyone and explains why we are all "screwed."
A video featuring Kayleigh McEnany discusses how children are being used as pawns in liberal America. The video can be accessed through the provided link.
Max Lucado's opinion piece reflects on being called "America's Pastor" and how it did not reveal the truth about him. The article invites readers to continue reading for more insights.
Another opinion piece addresses the aging political leaders in both parties and the problems associated with this issue. The article presents three things that should be demanded during election season.
Fox News host Laura Ingraham raises concerns about establishment and big donors being content with a hologram president who simply follows orders. She argues that this is a significant problem.
An article discusses the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools and how it can be used to help students. The author shares their plans for AI implementation and emphasizes its potential benefits.
Senator Mark Kelly criticizes colleague Senator Tommy Tuberville's actions, which he deems dangerous to the military and harmful to American families. The article encourages readers to continue reading for further details.
Another video features Governor Greg Abbott discussing NYC Mayor Eric Adams and suggesting that Adams would not last a week in Texas. The video can be accessed through the provided link.
A liberal media freakout is highlighted in an opinion piece as Senator Ted Cruz drinks beer on air and criticizes alcohol regulations. The article suggests that the liberal media cannot help themselves and continues to slam Cruz.
The article concludes with a political cartoon about the defund police movement. Readers are invited to check out all the political cartoons on the Fox News website.

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