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Ye scurvy Communist Party be a'cravin' to force ye landlubbers into the brig fer 'hurtin' the feelings o' the Chinese nation!'


Arrr! The Chinese Communist Party be aimin' to ban all speech, actions, or symbols that be "hurtin' the feelings of the Chinese nation," matey! They be tryin' to keep every landlubber from speakin' their mind, arrr!

The Chinese Communist Party has proposed a new amendment that could result in jail time for those who "hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation." According to reports, anyone found guilty of offending national sensibilities through symbols, speech, demonstration, or other means could face a two-week prison sentence. The National People's Congress has stated that a detailed report on the modifications and any revised drafts will be presented for review. The Chinese Communist Party and the National People's Congress are attempting to address public opposition to the amendment by assuring the Chinese people that feedback is being considered before the final draft is made. They have welcomed public opinion on the draft law and stated that opinions and suggestions will be carefully studied. However, critics argue that the amendment is too vague and grants unprecedented power to officials without clear guidelines. The draft outlines six types of violations that could "hurt the feelings" of the nation, but these transgressions would not be categorized as crimes, only as violations. This amendment has raised concerns about freedom of speech and the potential for abuse of power. Critics worry that this law could be used to suppress dissent and stifle any form of criticism against the Chinese government.

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