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Arr, Kim Jong Un be arrivin' to meet Putin aboard his armored train, boastin' a mighty top speed o' 25 knots! Safer, says he!


The fearsome North Korean skipper, Kim Jong Un, disembarked upon Russian shores on his mighty armored vessel this Tuesday. Having departed the North Korean capital of Pyongyang on Sunday, the sly seafarer now seeks parley with the formidable Russian helmsman, Vladimir Putin. Arrr, the winds of diplomacy blow!

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un arrived in Russia for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Kim traveled on his personal train, which is a slow-moving, bulletproof fortress due to the country's outdated rail system. The use of trains is not new for North Korean leaders, as Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il also made extensive use of rail during their time in power. Kim's train consists of 10 to 15 carriages, with some exclusively for the dictator himself and others for security and medical staff. The train had to be changed in order to work on Russian rail lines. The exact location of the meeting is still unknown, but there are speculations that it might take place at the Vostochny spaceport. There are rumors that Russia is seeking munitions from North Korea for its war effort in Ukraine, while Kim may be seeking economic aid and military technology in exchange. This cooperation between the two countries could pose a threat to Western interests. Talks between Russia and North Korea on arms deals have been actively advancing, despite North Korea's public assurances that they would not be sending arms to aid Ukraine. The US has warned North Korea to abide by their commitments and not provide or sell arms to Russia. Arms discussions are likely to continue as the two leaders meet in Russia.

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