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Aye! Scallywags be brawlin' in Lebanon's grandest Palestinian refuge! 5 mateys be sent to Davy Jones' locker, dozens walkin' wounded.


Arrr, me hearties! On Wednesday, thar be a mighty brawl brewin' within Lebanon's grandest Palestinian refuge! Five souls sent to Davy Jones' locker, and a score o' wounded scallywags. Aye, 'tis a rough sea on which they sail!

Clashes have escalated in Lebanon’s largest Palestinian refugee camp, Ein el-Hilweh, resulting in at least five deaths and numerous injuries. The fighting, which restarted on September 7 despite multiple attempts at a cease-fire, has prompted many civilians to flee to safer areas. The recent fatalities bring the death toll to 11 since the conflict reignited. Stray bullets from the camp have reached residential areas outside, damaging property and even hitting a fire engine. However, the fire was unrelated to the fighting.
The violence began when Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah group, along with other factions, sought to crack down on suspects accused of killing a senior Fatah military official in late July. The recent clash has seen three Fatah members among the five killed on Wednesday, with 15 others wounded.
Efforts to end the conflict have been unsuccessful, including a visit by Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk to Beirut. Ein el-Hilweh, notorious for its lawlessness and violence, houses around 55,000 people and has a long history as a Palestinian refugee camp. Lebanon is home to tens of thousands of Palestinian refugees and their descendants, residing in the 12 refugee camps scattered throughout the country. Ein el-Hilweh was established in 1948 to accommodate Palestinians displaced during the establishment of Israel.

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