The Booty Report

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Avast ye mateys! Behold the secret to resurrectin' steel makin' and employin' sailors in America's very own heartland!


Avast ye! We must reclaim the art of forge and bringeth back steel makin' to America's very core! The United States be needin' to rise against China's savage rule o'er the worldwide steel market. Set sail for prosperity, mateys!

I traveled to Lordstown, Ohio, to meet former General Motors workers who lost their jobs when the auto plant closed down. This closure resulted in the loss of nearly 1,500 jobs, and the workers shared that these were good jobs that provided stable incomes. The loss of these jobs has led to a sense of anger and frustration among Americans, who feel that the American dream is no longer within reach.

To address this issue, we need a new economic patriotism that focuses on workers and revitalizing American manufacturing. One key industry that needs attention is the steel industry. The demand for steel in the US is high, but we import much more than we produce. China dominates the global steel market and produces almost ten times more steel than the next highest-producing country.

China's dominance in steel not only poses risks to our economy but also to public safety, energy security, and national security. To combat this, I am committed to introducing a modern steel bill that will bring steel production back to the Midwest and support the modernization of existing plants. This bill will also address unfair trade practices and enforce anti-dumping and countervailing duties.

Furthermore, this bill will prioritize lowering carbon emissions and protecting the environment. Our manufacturers are already investing in lower carbon footprint production methods, and the use of hydrogen in steelmaking can make US steel production four times cleaner than that of China.

Importantly, the bill will defend workers' rights to form unions and ensure that steel jobs continue to provide high wages, good benefits, and a dignified life. It will also include workforce training programs to invest in the next generation of workers.

By revitalizing industries like steel, we can restore America as the workshop of the world and bring back good-paying jobs. This bill is part of a larger vision for a new economic patriotism that can unite us in a common mission. Together, we can create a future where the American dream is within reach for all.

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