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Avast ye! I be a matey with three wee scallywags, and we must safeguard parents' say in thar learnin' den!


Arr, me hearties! Aye, be a mother to three wee scallywags, and we be needin' to defend the rights of parents in the learnin' abodes. The connection betwixt parents and schools be in dire straits, and 'tis high time Congress steps up to make it shipshape again!

In a humorous and 17th-century pirate-like tone, the author emphasizes the importance of protecting parents' voices in the classroom. The author expresses worry, along with parents across southern Indiana and the country, about the communication gap between home and school. They mention that conversations surrounding education have evolved, particularly regarding a parent's advocacy for their children. The author highlights a recent bill in California that punishes parents who don't affirm transgender kids in custody battles, deeming it "utter madness."

During the pandemic, as parents became more involved in their children's education, they discovered surprising and disappointing aspects of their educational experience. However, when parents voiced these concerns in school board meetings, they were often ignored or dismissed. The author argues that sending a child to public school does not terminate a parent's rights, drawing a comparison to foster parents needing permission for even a haircut.

While acknowledging the positive communication between parents and school districts in southern Indiana, the author recognizes that this is not the case nationwide. They share stories where parents were not informed about their child's assault or a gender identity change. To address these issues, House Republicans introduced the "Parent's Bill of Rights" (H.R. 5) to reaffirm parents' rights in making informed decisions about their children's education. The bill contains principles such as parents' right to know, be heard, and protect their children's privacy and safety.

The author proudly supports H.R. 5 and highlights an amendment they made to require notification when a student is not reading at grade-level proficiency by third grade. They argue that the bill is necessary due to the failure of school districts across the country to meet these basic principles. The author also expresses their commitment to strengthening schools and empowering parents, particularly through expanding school choice and education savings accounts. They believe that parents know what is best for their children and advocate for applying the principle of freedom to education. The author concludes by vowing to continue fighting for parents' rights and educational excellence.

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