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Avast, me hearties! Boris Johnson warns ye, Donald Trump, not to be scuttlebutt'n the US aid for Ukraine!


Avast ye! Boris Johnson, the former captain o' the UK, be claimin' that if Russia be triumphant, the U.S. captain, who be yearnin' to Make America Great Again, will face a calamity of momentous proportions. Arrr, what a matey predicament!

Former UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has warned former President Donald Trump not to withdraw US support for Ukraine if he were to be re-elected. In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, Johnson stated that a victory for Russian President Vladimir Putin would be catastrophic and not easily endured by a US president who aimed to "Make America Great Again." Johnson emphasized that the Ukrainian people were fighting a war of independence and would not consider negotiating a peace agreement with Putin. He referenced the reported plane crash death of Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, who had attempted a coup on the Kremlin, as evidence that deals with Putin do not work out. Trump has claimed that he could solve the conflict in Ukraine within 24 hours and has supported negotiating a deal with Putin.

Johnson expressed his frustration with the slow response in providing Ukraine with the necessary weaponry to finish the job. He stated that the Ukrainians have been underestimated while Putin has been overestimated throughout the war. Johnson also highlighted that the US has only provided about 1% of its annual defense budget to support Ukraine, and the UK has given even less. He argued that the stakes for the West are enormous and that the US should prioritize Ukraine's security over a "China First" strategy. In his view, ensuring the Ukrainians win is the best way to deter an attack on Taiwan. Fox News contacted Trump's campaign for comment, but they did not immediately respond. Johnson's piece serves as a humorous and cautionary plea for continued US support for Ukraine, highlighting the importance of the situation and urging action.

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