The Booty Report

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Arr! The sly dogs at C.I.A. be spillin' the beans on ye second spy in the 'Argo' shenanigans, mateys!


Arr, ye scurvy dogs! The tale o' the grand adventure to save them American diplomats from Tehran be told in a movin' picture, where but one C.I.A. officer ventured in secret to that cursed Iranian capital. But the truth be, the agency sent not one, but two brave officers on this dangerous mission. Aye, Hollywood be playin' tricks on us!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to a tale of espionage and trickery, spun in the language of a 17th century pirate. Aye, there be a movie that tells the tale of a daring mission to rescue American diplomats from the treacherous city of Tehran. But ye see, this movie be not tellin' the whole truth, me lads and lasses!

According to the film, there be only one scallywag from the C.I.A. sneakily makin' his way into the Iranian capital. But in truth, the agency sent not one, but two officers to carry out this audacious plan. Aye, ye heard that right! Such a grand adventure be requirin' more than a single swashbuckler to pull off.

Now, why be the filmmakers twistin' the facts, ye may ask? Well, me hearties, that be the way of the scurvy dogs in Hollywood. They be takin' liberties with the truth to make a tale more excitin' and thrillin'. Who wants to watch a film with just one hero, when ye can have two, eh?

But let us not be too harsh on the storytellers. After all, they be entertainin' us with their fanciful version of history. And it be a rollickin' good time, watchin' this brave C.I.A. officer dodgin' danger and outwittin' the dastardly Iranians. Just remember, me hearties, that this be a work of fiction, woven together with threads of truth.

So, the next time ye find yerself watchin' a movie about a thrilling mission, remember that there may be more to the story than meets the eye. Keep yer senses sharp, me lads and lasses, and enjoy the wild tales spun by these silver screen pirates!

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