The Booty Report

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Arr, me hearties! Word be spreadin' that Colombian officials be plunderin' millions to steer migrants t'wards th' US border, says a report.


Arrr, me hearties! Them Colombian scallywags, those politicians and businessmen be fillin' their coffers with doubloons, usin' a jolly profitable foundation, to transport migrants 'cross the treacherous Darien Gap, aimin' for the U.S.-Mexico border! Blimey!

Local politicians in Colombia have been charging large sums of money to help migrants navigate through the Darien Gap, a dangerous jungle area between Colombia and Panama. These politicians, businessmen, and elected leaders have openly been charging millions of dollars per month to transport migrants through the region, despite efforts by the Biden administration and the governments of Colombia and Panama to curb the migration. The migration business is run by board members elected by the community and operates through a registered nonprofit called the New Light Darien Foundation. The foundation sets prices for the journey, collects fees, and runs campsites in the jungle. Migrants pay for different tiers of services, including guides and security. The growing influx of migrants has been seen as a positive thing for the impoverished town of Acandi, according to one local politician. The Panamanian government estimates that over 360,000 people have already crossed the Darien Gap in 2023, surpassing last year's record. In April, an agreement was signed between Panama, Colombia, and the United States to combat the illicit movement of people and goods through the Darien Gap. However, it appears that little progress has been made in stopping the lucrative migration business. American diplomats have visited the region, but their presence has not had a significant impact. Overall, the situation highlights the challenges and complexities of controlling migration in this area.

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