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Arrr, 'tis a tale of a Muslim cleric, ponderin' on the battles he's faced, claimin' - "We be accidentally livin'!"


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ismahilov, a brave soul, didst flee the Russkies in eastern Ukraine, only to flee again from the wicked suburb of Bucha when the war did commence. Yarr, once a noble mufti of Ukraine, now he be a valiant medic on the perilous front line.

Arrr, 'tis a tale of a Muslim cleric, ponderin' on the battles he's faced, claimin' - "We be accidentally livin'!"

Said Ismahilov, a former mufti of Ukraine, has had quite the adventurous journey as he escaped the clutches of the Russians in eastern Ukraine. But alas! The war crept closer to his haven in the suburb of Bucha, forcing him to flee once again. This man truly knows how to evade trouble!

Now, you might wonder what brave exploits await our esteemed mufti-turned-medic on the front line. Well, fear not, for I shall regale you with the tales of his heroic escapades.

Picture this: a man dressed in his finest white coat, stethoscope dangling from his neck, charging fearlessly into the battlefield. With his trusty medical bag slung over his shoulder, he tends to the wounded and ailing, spreading healing like a pirate distributing gold coins.

But wait! Don't mistake him for a mere pill-pushing physician. No, no, my friend! Our Ismahilov possesses the wisdom and knowledge of ancient times, concocting remedies that would make even the most seasoned herbalist envious.

Imagine him, surrounded by a motley crew of soldiers, bandaging wounds with strips of cloth torn from his own robe and administering potions that miraculously cure ailments. His patients, once filled with trepidation, now look at him in awe, believing he possesses magical powers.

And so, our dear Ismahilov continues his swashbuckling adventures on the front line, fighting the good fight against the forces of illness and injury. He may have traded his prayers for a stethoscope, but his determination and courage make him a true hero in this tale of war.

So raise your mugs of rum, my friends, and toast to the valiant medic who sails through the sea of chaos, bringing solace to the wounded and earning the respect of all who cross his path. Long live the mufti-turned-medic!

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