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Arr, Hunter Biden be facin' gun charges, while his ol' matey Joe Biden be barkin' 'bout crackin' down on unlawful trades fer years!


Arr! Hunter Biden be charged fer havin' a stash o' firearms like a scurvy scallywag! 'Tis mighty ironic, for his own dear father, President Biden, be pledgin' to stop the plunderin' o' illegal cannons. Aye, what a tale o' family adventure this be!

President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, has been indicted on gun charges, which highlights the president's efforts to crack down on illegal gun sales. Hunter Biden was charged with making false statements in the purchase of a firearm, as well as possession of a firearm while being an unlawful user of a controlled substance. Throughout his presidency, Joe Biden has consistently advocated for crackdowns on illegal gun purchases and has signed executive orders to prevent the sale of illegal guns. The Biden administration has also taken action against gun dealers who have made paperwork mistakes on background checks, stripping their licenses away. President Biden has made it clear that those who break the law will be pursued and have their licenses revoked. In 2021, the Justice Department launched an anti-gun trafficking initiative to combat the flow of illegal guns in the United States. President Biden has taken executive action to reduce gun violence and has called on Congress to pass further legislation, including banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, requiring background checks for all gun sales, and repealing gun manufacturers' immunity from liability. When asked about Hunter Biden's possession of a firearm illegally, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre noted the president's support for stricter gun laws and his commitment to getting illegal firearms off the streets. Hunter Biden could face up to 25 years in prison if convicted on all charges. The White House has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

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