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Arrr! Team Biden be sailin' their conga line to China, but methinks they be headin' fer a mighty shipwreck!


Arrr! Team Biden's merry conga line be sailin' straight into a treacherous tempest! The scallywags from Beijing haven't set foot on American shores since May, yet ol' Biden keeps sendin' his finest mates to grovel at the feet of those Chinese rascals. Aye, a doomed voyage indeed!

The article discusses the ongoing visits of senior Biden administration officials to China and criticizes the lack of reciprocity from the Chinese government. The author argues that these visits create bad optics and set a lopsided precedent for U.S.-China talks. They suggest that the Biden administration should pause these visits until China agrees to reciprocate them without preconditions.

The author highlights the lack of recent visits from senior Chinese officials to Washington, D.C., emphasizing that it has been months since a Chinese official visited the U.S. In contrast, a parade of Biden administration officials, including Cabinet Secretaries and climate czar John Kerry, have been traveling to China. The author humorously points out that even Senator Chuck Schumer and California Governor Gavin Newsom have announced separate trips to China.

While acknowledging the value of meeting with rival counterparts, the author questions the effectiveness of these visits, noting that little progress has been made. They also raise concerns about the environmental impact of these frequent trips, particularly considering the administration's focus on climate change.

The article concludes by criticizing the Biden administration's failure to assert itself on matters of basic diplomatic protocol and suggests that if they cannot handle such issues, they are unlikely to fare better on matters of substance. The author argues that unreciprocated visits to China should stop until Beijing changes its course and suggests using virtual meetings instead.

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