The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye Libya dams be in peril, matey! An engineer be soundin' the alarm, aye!


"Arrr me mateys! Thar be an engineer who be sayin', by the beard of Blackbeard himself, that them scurvy dams in Derna might just keel over like a drunken sailor when a powerful storm be blowin' in! But alas, the state cares not a wit!"

"Arrr, matey! 'Tis a sad tale I bring ye, straight from the lips of an engineer who be studyin' the dams in Derna. Ye see, these dams, they be in dire need o' repairs, and the state, they be showin' no interest in fixin' 'em," said the engineer in a tone as dark as the stormy seas.

With each passin' year, the repairs be postponed, like a pirate's treasure hidden away from prying eyes. But mark me words, me hearties, for it be a dangerous gamble they be dealin' with. These dams, they be holdin' back the might o' the waters, and if a powerful storm be unleashed upon 'em, they be crumblin' like a pirate's ship in a violent squall.

The engineer, he be warnin' the state, tellin' 'em that these dams be on the brink o' failure. But alas, it be fallin' on deaf ears, like the whisper o' a ghost sailin' through the night. The state, they be showin' no concern, as if they be thinkin' the sea be kind and gentle, like a lass in a tavern.

But me hearties, we all know the sea be a treacherous mistress, as unpredictable as a pirate's mood. And so be these dams, their fate hangin' by a thread, as fragile as a pirate's ego. If a storm be brewin', the waters be poundin' against the dams, testin' their strength like a pirate testin' his mettle in a fight.

So here we be, me mateys, in a tale as old as the sea itself. A tale of neglect and indifference, where the warnings go unheard and the dams teeter on the edge. Let us hope that the state opens its eyes, before the storm be upon us, and the dams give way like a pirate's resolve in the face of danger.

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