The Booty Report

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Arr matey! The landlubbers be banishin' them American XL Bully dogs, for they be causin' quite the ruckus!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! The British Cap'n Rishi Sunak be shoutin' from the poop deck that them American XL Bully dogs be a peril to our fair communities! He be plannin' to lay down the law and ban those scallywags after a mighty roar from the landlubbers!

American XL Bully dogs are set to be banned in the United Kingdom following a public outcry and concerns about their potential danger to communities. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak referred to them as a threat, particularly to children, after a series of recent attacks, including one that left an 11-year-old girl seriously injured. Sunak has called on government ministers to define the characteristics of this breed with the assistance of police and canine experts, as it is currently not recognized by major dog groups in either the UK or the US. He aims to include the breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act and implement new laws by the end of the year. Pitbull terriers, Japanese tosas, dogo Argentinos, and fila Brasileiros are already banned in the UK. The American XL Bully, originally bred from the American pit bull terrier, has been targeted due to concerns about dangerous traits being bred into the animals. However, the UK Kennel Club, while not recognizing the breed, argues that no breed is inherently dangerous. The organization believes that breed-specific bans do not adequately address the main factors contributing to dog attacks, which are irresponsible dog owners who train their dogs to be aggressive. The American XL Bully dogs have a muscular appearance and heavier bone structures compared to pit bulls. The ban on these dogs in the UK seeks to address public safety concerns and reduce the risk of further attacks.

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