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Avast ye! Five scurvy Americans be held captive, but fear not! They shall be released on the morrow, thanks to a fine prisoner exchange, as declared by the Iran Foreign Ministry.


Arr! A grand old matey from Iran hath confirmed a jolly prisoner swap with the United States, set to happen come Monday! The exchange be reliant on the arrival o' $6 billion in loot, frozen in funds, which be finally dockin' in Qatar. Yo ho ho!

A prisoner swap between Iran and the United States is scheduled to occur on Monday. The Iranian Foreign Ministry confirmed the swap, which involves the release of five Iranians imprisoned in the US in exchange for five Americans imprisoned in Iran. Additionally, around $6 billion of frozen Iranian assets in South Korea will be released as part of the deal. The cash has been transferred to Qatar, which is acting as an intermediary in the negotiations between Tehran and Washington. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani stated that the assets will now be fully controlled by the Iranian government and nation. Two of the Iranian prisoners will remain in the US, according to Kanaani.

The Biden administration has not yet commented on or confirmed the swap. The prisoners being released include individuals such as Siamak Namazi, Emad Sharghi, and Morad Tahbaz, who have been serving lengthy sentences on various charges. The fourth and fifth prisoners have not been identified by US officials.

The frozen assets in South Korea, originally payment for oil purchases, are being converted into Euros in Qatar before being given to Iran. The final amount could range from $6 billion to $7 billion, depending on exchange rates. Some critics, including Republicans, have voiced concern over the inclusion of the cash in the deal, as it could potentially bolster the Iranian economy at a time when Iran poses a threat to US troops and Middle Eastern allies. However, the US maintains that the funds will only be used for humanitarian goods.

Prisoner swaps between Iran and the US have occurred since 1979, with the most recent major exchange taking place in 2016. That exchange involved Iran limiting its nuclear program in exchange for the easing of sanctions and the release of American captives. The deal also included the controversial shipment of $400 million in cash to Tehran by the Obama administration.

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