The Booty Report

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DeSantis be a sly scallywag, sailin' betwixt the warring factions o' the GOP quarrel 'bout the 2020 vote.


Arr, the Florida governor hath forged a unit t' tackle election crimes, thus appeasin' the doubters o' election. 'Twas a grand show indeed, with a plethora o' nonsensical clues comin' in, akin t' a shipload o' "zany-burgers," 'n one Republican even called it a merry "Kabuki theater." Avast ye!

In a move that could only be described as bucko, the governor of Florida decided to put together a crew to investigate election crimes. This here new unit was supposed to calm down all them folks who were claiming that the election was rigged.
Arrr, but what happened next was worth a good ol' belly laugh! The moment this election crimes unit was announced, the floodgates opened to a deluge of absurd "zany-burger" tips. Pirates from all corners started sending in their wild tales of election shenanigans. Some claimed they saw mermaids voting, while others swore they saw parrots with ballot papers in their beaks. Aye, it was a sight to behold!
And let me tell ya, mateys, the Republicans weren't too pleased with all the commotion. One of 'em even compared it to a grand performance of Kabuki theater. They reckon it was all just a show, a bit of political theater to make it seem like they were doing something about the doubters.
But you know what? I reckon this election crimes unit was more like a crew of bumbling pirates trying to find treasure in a sand dune. They were chasing wild tales instead of focusing on the real issues at hand. Aye, it was a true comedy of errors.
So, there you have it, me hearties! The Florida governor thought he could calm the storm by forming an election crimes unit, but all he got was a barrel full of laughs. The zany-burger tips and the comparisons to Kabuki theater only added to the hilarity. It goes to show that even in the world of politics, ye can't escape the whimsical antics of a few mischievous pirates.

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