The Booty Report

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Avast ye scurvy dogs! This Montana matey be givin' a shout to Biden's crew 'bout school gun safety! Arrr!


Arr, me commonsense bill be protectin' Montana's ancient n' proud tradition o' educatin' our young scalawags 'bout the weighty matter o' responsible gun wieldin' and huntin'.

Avast ye scurvy dogs! This Montana matey be givin' a shout to Biden's crew 'bout school gun safety! Arrr!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th century pirate, the author reflects on their unique background compared to their colleagues in Washington, D.C. They highlight their experience running a farm and the unfortunate incident that cost them a few fingers. However, beyond these differences, they emphasize their commitment to bringing Montana common sense and their rural upbringing to Congress.

The author expresses their concern about the Biden administration blocking funding for school programs in Montana that have long offered shooting sports and hunter safety classes. They argue that these programs teach important skills such as gun safety and personal responsibility to students. They criticize this decision, seeing it as a poor choice that will negatively impact thousands of students who benefit from these resources.

To address this issue, the author has introduced the Defending Hunters Education Act, a bipartisan bill that aims to restore school districts' ability to use federal funds for school archery, gun safety, and hunter education programs. They argue that this bill will protect Montana's tradition of responsible gun ownership and hunting while ensuring the safety of students and communities.

The author emphasizes that this is not a partisan issue, as senators from both parties have joined their effort. They also express their strong opposition to any reduction of federal support for these educational programs, stating that it goes against the purpose of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act.

Ultimately, the author asserts that shooting sports and hunting are integral parts of Montana's rural way of life. They criticize the Washington administration for not understanding the importance of these activities in rural communities and vow to defend their Montana way of life.

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