The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden be plunderin' American energy like a scurvy pirate, claimin' victims with every blow.


Arr, the scurvy dogs of the Biden administration be makin' a deal with them pesky activists, lockin' away millions o' acres in the Gulf o' Mexico from oil and gas plunderin'! And they be addin' vessel restrictions to make it even harder for us pirates to sail those treacherous waters!

Buried in a summer Friday news dump, the Biden administration has quietly introduced new barriers targeting American energy. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has entered into a voluntary agreement with activist organizations, effectively locking away millions of acres in the Gulf of Mexico from oil and gas development and imposing strict vessel restrictions. The administration claims this is to protect Rice's whales, a species safeguarded by the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. However, these actions could actually harm low carbon and responsible domestic energy production in the Gulf.

The agreement significantly expands the protected area for Rice's whales, covering vast portions of the Western and Central Gulf of Mexico. The consequences of this agreement are twofold: firstly, millions of attractive acres for potential oil and gas production are now closed, impacting the outlook for continued production. Secondly, new restrictions such as vessel speed limits and travel restrictions during nighttime and periods of low visibility will cause delays and increase costs for vessels crossing the Gulf, affecting various industries and potentially overwhelming strategic ports.

These restrictions are the latest misstep in the administration's energy policy. American energy producers have made significant strides in efficiency, productivity, and safety, while reducing emissions. However, the new restrictions on nighttime and low visibility transit unnecessarily slow down American energy production, resulting in vessels idling for hours and further delaying supply chains.

The federal government is also considering expanding "mitigation" measures to regulate all traffic to U.S. ports in the Gulf, including cargo vessels and fishing boats. These regulations would create a cascade of delays, impacting national supply chains and increasing costs for consumers. Despite the previous core habitat being deemed adequate representation for Rice's whales, the government has expanded the protected area without justification.

These new restrictions are not warranted, as only a single Rice's whale has been observed in the western Gulf of Mexico. The addition of these mitigation efforts will have detrimental impacts on Gulf and Mississippi River commerce, outweighing any benefit to the species. The Biden administration should collaborate with Congress to make environmentally responsible choices while encouraging domestic energy production, instead of adding more red tape.

These regulations have dire consequences for the energy sector and the entire Gulf economy. It is possible to be environmentally responsible while protecting American jobs and energy. Smarter policies are needed to ensure the continued production of safe and affordable American energy.

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