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Arrr! Israel’s envoy to th' UN be caught after leavin' General Assembly t' protest th' blabber o' th' Iranian captain!


Arr, matey! Gilad Erdan, Israel's ambassador to the U.N., be held captive for his hasty retreat from the General Assembly Hall. 'Twas a protest against a speech by that scallywag Ebrahim Raisi, the Iranian President!

United Nations security personnel detained Israel's ambassador to the U.N., Gilad Erdan, after he protested a speech by Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. Erdan was later released, but the reason for his detention remains unclear. Erdan expressed his dissatisfaction with the U.N.'s actions, calling it a "new moral low" for giving a platform to Raisi, whom he referred to as a "vile murderer." Before leaving the General Assembly Hall, Erdan held up a picture of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman who was murdered by the country's morality police for not wearing her hijab properly. Erdan accused the U.N. of bias against Israel, citing previous incidents where ambassadors held signs without repercussion.

Raisi's presence at the U.N. General Assembly drew protesters outside the hall. Erdan emphasized the hypocrisy and moral distortion of the U.N., claiming that it was founded to prevent atrocities but gave a platform to a "mass murderer" who denies the Holocaust and threatens to annihilate the Jewish people. Erdan wanted to draw attention to the suffering of the Iranian people and show solidarity with them, despite the actions of their regime.

Raisi's speech criticized the United States for causing instability in the world. Former President Trump had previously sanctioned Raisi for his involvement in the massacre of Iranian political prisoners in 1988 and the regime's killing of demonstrators in 2019.

Overall, Erdan's protest highlighted his dissatisfaction with the U.N.'s handling of Raisi's speech and its alleged bias against Israel. By holding up a picture of an Iranian woman and emphasizing solidarity with the Iranian people, Erdan aimed to draw attention to the regime's actions and show that Israel stands with the individuals despite the actions of their government.

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