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Arr, mateys! 'Tis be true! Polish scallywag was nabbed fer interruptin' prime minister's gabfest, if ye believe me tales.


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis a tale from yesteryear, as the Polish police be nabbin' a scallywag legislator, 'gainst her parliamentary immunity. She be causin' quite the ruckus durin' Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's campaign speech, ye see!

A Polish opposition lawmaker, Kinga Gajewska, was briefly detained by Polish police after interrupting a campaign speech by Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. Gajewska used a megaphone to address the audience about an alleged visa scandal involving consular workers taking bribes. Critics of the right-wing government denounced the police's behavior, seeing it as a deterioration of the rule of law.
The incident took place in Otwock, a town near Warsaw, where opposition politicians were holding a rally while Morawiecki was giving his speech. The police reportedly did not realize that Gajewska was a member of parliament, even though she repeatedly stated so.
Poland's Law and Justice party, currently in power, has attempted to downplay the scandal as it seeks a third consecutive term. Marcin Kierwinski, the secretary general of the Civic Coalition electoral alliance to which Gajewska belongs, strongly condemned her detention, comparing it to "Belarusian standards."
A video posted by Donald Tusk, the main opposition leader, showed the police putting Gajewska into a van despite people informing them of her parliamentary status.
The incident highlights concerns about freedom of speech and the treatment of opposition politicians in Poland. Critics argue that such actions by the police further erode the country's democratic values and the rule of law.
It remains to be seen how this incident will impact the ongoing political campaign and the upcoming elections in Poland.

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