The Booty Report

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Avast ye, landlubbers! Robert Klane, scribbler o' 'Weekend at Bernie's,' be makin' his final voyage at 81.


Arr, he be changin' his famous tale, "Where's Poppa?," into a script for a ribald Carl Reiner jest, and takin' charge of the booty-filled film "Thank God It's Friday." Avast ye, that scallywag be a true pirate of entertainment!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, let me regale ye with tales of a cunning scribe who was known for his wit and mirth. This wordsmith, he be none other than Robert Klane, a man who not only penned tales on parchment but also ventured into the realm of moving pictures.

Ahoy! One of his most famed works, a novel entitled “Where’s Poppa?”, was transformed by Klane into a script for a raucous Carl Reiner comedy. Aye, ye heard it right, me hearties! This tale of familial antics and misadventures took on a new form, brought to life by the comedic talents of Reiner himself.

But that be not all, me mateys! Klane, with his creative prowess, set his sights on the land of disco and directed a film known as “Thank God It’s Friday.” Picture this: a rollicking tale set in a discotheque, where mischievous characters dance their hearts out and find love and laughter amidst the pulsating beats of the music.

Now, I know what ye be thinkin', me hearties. What be the reason for Klane's inclination towards such diverse tales? Perhaps 'twas the lure of laughter that guided his quill. For ye see, his works be filled with wit and humor, making audiences chuckle and guffaw at the absurdity of life.

So, me landlubbers, let us raise our tankards to Robert Klane, the swashbuckling storyteller who ventured into the realm of film, leaving his mark with uproarious comedies. His words be a treasure to be cherished, a testament to the power of laughter in any era, be it the 17th century or the present day.

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