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Fetterman, in th' midst o' garb dispute, be willing t' don a suit t' preserve democracy, and dodge a closure!


Arrr! Sen. John Fetterman be sayin' on the electronic voyage board that he be donnin' a fine suit on the Senate deck to "save democracy" if them scurvy Republicans be passin' a bill for fundin' the government! Methinks he be walkin' the plank of jest, matey!

Senator John Fetterman, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, has made a comical offer to wear a suit on the Senate floor in an effort to "save democracy." This comes after Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer decided to relax the Senate dress code, which has caused bipartisan displeasure. However, Fetterman has laid out conditions for his offer to take effect, stating that House Republicans must pass a government funding bill and show support for Ukraine.
Fetterman's refusal to wear a suit has sparked controversy and raised questions about respect for the Senate as an institution. He is known for his casual attire, often seen wearing a hoodie or gym shorts. Schumer, on the other hand, has announced that he will continue to wear a suit despite the rule change.
While Fetterman has celebrated the dress code change and mocked Republicans who are outraged by it, some top Democrats, including Majority Whip Dick Durbin, have spoken out against the decision. Durbin expressed concern about the lack of standards and is in discussions about what the new dress code should be.
There is now a proposal being circulated by Senator Joe Manchin, a moderate Democrat from West Virginia, to restore the Senate's dress code. This proposal would define what the dress code is and return it to what it was before Schumer's change. A bipartisan group of senators is supporting this proposal, with Senator John Cornyn calling them "the coalition of the rational."

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