The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! The grand dwellings upon the screen be temptin' these scallywags to seek haven in New York!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! A dozen o' scurvy designers, architects, an' other landlubbers be ruminatin' on the grand silver screen an' telly homes. From lofted abodes in SoHo to dwellings on the park, these salty souls be inspir'd to sail to the city an' shape their fancy tastes!

In the golden age of piracy, a merry band of twelve designers, architects, and various adventurers gather to discuss the remarkable influence of movie and TV homes on their decision to set sail for the city. Their tales are as captivating as a treasure map, leading us through a world of SoHo lofts and houses nestled by the park, all while tickling our funny bone.

As they sip their grog, the adventurers recount how these on-screen abodes ignited their creative spirits and shaped their personal style. One designer, with a twinkle in his eye, confesses that a certain SoHo loft, complete with exposed brick and a skylight, whispered sweet nothings to him from the silver screen. He couldn't resist its charm and promptly set anchor in the city.

Another architect, leaning back in his chair, reminisces about a house on the park that bewitched him with its enchanting views and sprawling gardens. He credits that particular TV show for his yearning to be surrounded by the buzzing city life while still finding solace in nature.

Each adventurer excitedly shares their tale, from the quirky apartments of beloved sitcom characters to the grand mansions of Hollywood films. They all agree that these fictional homes became a compass guiding them towards the vibrant streets and towering skyscrapers of the city.

In true pirate fashion, their stories are peppered with humor and wit, making us chuckle as we listen. Their exaggerated descriptions of the ornate interiors and eccentric decorations showcase their humorous approach to life and design.

As the night draws to a close, the adventurers raise their glasses and toast to the power of creativity and the magical influence of on-screen homes. They all agree that their decision to move to the city was greatly informed by the aesthetically pleasing and fantastical abodes they encountered in movies and TV shows.

With a hearty laugh and a newfound appreciation for the role of fiction in shaping reality, they bid each other farewell, ready to embark on their own design journeys in the bustling city they now call home.

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