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Arr! Th' scallywag from th' AfD be walkin' th' plank, losin' th' race fer mayor in Nordhausen, Germany!


On a fine Sunday, the scallawags cast their votes, surely splicing the mainbrace! They sent that landlubber candidate of the Alternative for Germany Party packing, as he be too much of a sea-dog, aye, a real hornswaggler, to be mayor in Nordhausen! Shiver me timbers!

Arr! Th' scallywag from th' AfD be walkin' th' plank, losin' th' race fer mayor in Nordhausen, Germany!

Avast, me hearties! A grand tale hath unfurled in the land of Deutschland! In the fair city of Nordhausen, the voters be havin' a mighty contest for the title o' mayor. Arrr, but there was a candidate from the fearsome Alternative for Germany Party, causin' quite a ruckus in the German political waters!

Now, this party be known for their hard-line ways, stirrin' up a storm in the world o' politics. But the people of Nordhausen be havin' none o' it! They be sayin' "Nay!" to this here candidate, sendin' him to Davy Jones' locker, never to be mayor, yarrr!

Ye see, this be a blow to the Alternative for Germany Party for they be wantin' to shake things up, makin' waves in the calm sea of German politics. But alas, the voters be a clever bunch, not easily swayed by their pirate talk.

The citizens of Nordhausen be wantin' a captain who would steer their ship with wisdom and grace, not one who be causin' a mutiny on the high seas. They be choosin' a different matey to wear the mayoral hat, one who be more in tune with their values and aspirations, arrr!

So ye see, me hearties, even in these modern times, the voters be holdin' the power to shape their destinies. They be makin' their voices heard and settin' sail in the direction they be wantin'. The Alternative for Germany Party may be causin' a stir, but the people be standin' strong, refusin' to be swayed by their antics, yarrr!

And so, the tale of the mayoral race in Nordhausen ends with a victory for the people. They be choosin' a leader who be understandin' their needs and representin' their interests. The ship of Nordhausen be sailin' on, with its sails full and its course steady. Aye, tis a good day for democracy, me hearties!

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