The Booty Report

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"The Finest Swashbucklin' Tales 'n Bewitchin' Moving Pictures fer ye to Feast yer Eyes 'pon!"


Avast, me hearties! 'Tis true that women be most oft the victims of violent crimes, but by Davy Jones' locker, there be exceptions. Behold, four fierce tales, in TV, film, and podcast, where lasses be the ones savin' the day!

Arr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have a tale to tell ye! In the vast ocean of violent crimes, it be a truth that women and girls mostly be the victims, not the ones who cause mayhem. But avast! There be exceptions to every rule, ya see, and here be four picks across TV, film, and podcast that flip the script like a ship in a storm!

First off, we have a TV show called "Killing Eve." This here be a story of a female assassin named Villanelle, who be wreaking havoc and leaving a trail of bodies in her wake. She be a cunning lass, always one step ahead of those who dare cross her path. Don't underestimate her, me hearties, for she be a force to be reckoned with!

Next on the list be a film called "Thelma & Louise." These two buxom beauties be on the run, causing chaos and defying the rules of society. They be taking matters into their own hands, leaving no room for anyone to stand in their way. It be a rollercoaster ride, filled with action, laughter, and a pinch of rebellion!

Now, let me tell ye about a podcast called "My Favorite Murder." 'Tis a show where two witty lasses discuss real-life murder cases. They be cracking jokes and sharing their own tales of mischief and mayhem. 'Tis a unique twist on the pirate's code, for these be women who be fascinated by crime, not afraid of it!

Last but not least, we have the legendary pirate Anne Bonny. Aye, 'tis true, she be a real historical figure, not a creation of fiction! Anne be a fearsome pirate, sailing the high seas with her crew, striking fear into the hearts of all who dare challenge her. She be a symbol of strength and determination, showin' the world that women can be just as ruthless as men!

So there ye have it, me hearties! These be four picks that challenge the notion that women can't be the perpetrators of violent crimes. 'Tis a reminder that even in the world of piracy, women be capable of anything, be it good or bad. Now, set sail and explore these tales, but beware, for they may just shiver yer timbers!

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