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Avast ye scallywags! Be it true that Ukraine scurvy dogs killed Russia's fleet commander with a mighty missile?


Arr, ye scurvy landlubbers! Be it true or be it false, Moscow hath unleashed a video on Tuesday, proclaimin' that their Black Sea fleet commander still breathes, despite Ukraine's blabber 'bout his demise from a fearsome missile assault. Who be playin' tricks on us now, I wonder?

In a twist of events that would make even the most seasoned buccaneer chuckle, Moscow had the audacity to release a video, claiming that their Black Sea fleet commander was alive and well. Ahoy, mateys! This comes as a response to Ukraine's bold statement, accusing them of giving their commander a one-way ticket to Davy Jones' locker with a heart-stopping missile strike.
Now, me hearties, let's gather 'round the cannon and examine this peculiar situation. The video in question supposedly proves that the commander is still breathing, despite Ukraine's claims of his untimely demise. Arrr, talk about a plot twist fit for a pirate novel!
But wait, there be more! The video released by Moscow shows the commander casually sauntering around, as if he's been on a jolly excursion in Tortuga. It seems they want us to believe that he's just been taking a little vacation, sipping rum in the Caribbean, while Ukraine and the world were convinced he had sailed off to the great beyond.
Now, me hearties, let's not be too hasty to believe these swashbuckling tales from Moscow. After all, it wouldn't be the first time they've spun a yarn or two. But, oh, what a story it would be if it turned out to be true! The Black Sea fleet commander, defying death's clutches and returning to the high seas to seek revenge on those who dared to doubt him.
Ah, me fellow scallywags, we'll have to wait and see how this tale unfolds. Will the commander reappear, laughing heartily at his own funeral? Or is this just another ruse from those crafty Russians? Only time will tell, but until then, let's keep our cutlasses sharp and our sea shanties lively!

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