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Arr, Emma Thompson be right, me hearties! The word 'content' be a rude scoundrel, mark me words!


Arr, me hearties! The current times be plagued with platforms blendin' into one another, but these Hollywood strikes be provin' that this phrase does naught but cheapen the hard work o' creatives. Aye, 'tis a treacherous path we be treadin'!

In the good ol' days of the 17th century, me hearties, pirates were renowned for their unique way o' speakin'. They had a language all their own, so they did. Arrr! And so, me hearties, let me tell ye a tale in the language of those scurvy pirates!

Avast ye! In this modern age, there be a term floatin' around called "platforms." Aye, it be a word used to describe the various ways we enjoy entertainment, like movies and TV shows. But it be a tricky term, me hearties. It be blurrin' the lines, it is. And recently, those scallywags in Hollywood have shown us how this term can devalue the hard work of creatives.

Arrr! Picture this, me hearties. The Hollywood strikes be happenin', and the writers and actors be demandin' fair treatment. They be fightin' for what be right, they be. But this term "platforms" be makin' it seem like their work don't matter as much. Aye, it be like sayin' the work they put into creatin' be less valuable than the way it be delivered to the masses.

Me hearties, this be a dangerous notion. Creatives pour their heart and soul into their work, ye see. They be spendin' hours writin' scripts, actin' their hearts out, and bringin' characters to life. It be a labor of love, it be. But if we start believin' that the way somethin' be delivered be more important than the work itself, well, that be a sad world indeed.

So let us remember, me hearties, that creatives be the true treasure in this here entertainment industry. Their work be the gold that be drivin' the whole ship. And the next time ye hear someone talkin' about "platforms," me hearties, remember the Hollywood strikes and how this phrase can devalue the hard work of them scallywags. Arrr!

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