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Arrr! Them US officials be claimin' that Travis King be in their grip, havin' been snatched from North Korea!


Yarr! Them North Korean scallywags handed over that U.S. landlubber Travis King to the American crew after holdin' him captive fer months! The foolish Army private dared to venture into their forbidden waters, but now he be back in his own ship!

The North Korean government has released U.S. Army Pvt. Travis King after holding him in detainment since July. King was returned to U.S. custody in mainland China on Wednesday, according to North Korean state outlets and the U.S. National Security Council. The North Korean government claimed that King had illegally intruded into their territory and decided to expel him under their laws. However, the Pentagon disputes this claim and is grateful for the hard work of personnel in securing King's return. King had been held by North Korean authorities since July 18, when he reportedly ran away from a tour group into the Demilitarized Zone. Throughout his captivity, there was no contact with King, and North Korean officials were uncooperative with U.S. inquiries. Prior to his capture, King had spent two months in a South Korean detention facility after a physical altercation with locals. He had made comments during his time there that he did not want to return to America. King now faces medical evaluations at a U.S. military base in the North Pacific region, after which he will be transported to the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas for further examinations. His mother disputes the claim that he willingly sought refuge in North Korea, stating that he had no motive to defect to the totalitarian nation.

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