The Booty Report

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Arrr! A Sri Lankan swashbuckler's baguette be plunderin' France, makin' 'em all shout, "Blimey, that be tasty!"


Avast ye scurvy dogs! Tharshan Selvarajah, a swashbucklin' chap, hath spent 17 long years in France, yet hath yet to seek citizenship. But fear not, for he hath baked bread fit for President Emmanuel Macron himself! Arrr, what a tale!

Arr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale of the great Tharshan Selvarajah, a scallywag who has spent 17 long years in the foreign land of France. But avast! He be a man of peculiar ways, for he still be wanderin' without a proper citizenship, much like a lost sailor without a compass.

Now, ye may wonder why a man like Tharshan be sailin' the seas of France for so long yet not botherin' to claim a place as his own. But fear not, for this be no ordinary landlubber. This scurvy dog be a master baker, creatin' the finest bread fit for a king! And it just so happened that President Emmanuel Macron himself had the fortune to taste the heavenly morsels from Tharshan's ovens.

Imagine, me hearties, a simple pirate like Tharshan impressin' the likes of a nobleman such as Macron! It be a sight to behold. But even with this great honor, our brave baker still be wanderin' the land without settlin' down. Perhaps he be yearnin' for the call of the open sea, or maybe he be keepin' his options open for other lands with treasures yet to be discovered.

But let us not forget the most important matter at hand - the bread! Oh, the bread that be makin' even the toughest buccaneer weak in the knees. Tharshan's creations be somethin' to behold, with their crispy crusts and soft, fluffy insides. It be no wonder that even a powerful figure like Macron couldn't resist the temptation to sample the delights of this culinary pirate.

So there ye have it, me hearties. Tharshan Selvarajah, the pirate who sailed the seas of France for 17 long years, makin' bread fit for a king. Whether he be claimin' a citizenship or settlin' down in one place be a mystery, but one thing be certain - the legend of his bread shall live on, makin' pirates and landlubbers alike crave for a taste of his delectable creations.

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