The Booty Report

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Arrr, why be the U.S. scurvy dogs tellin' Serbia to be movin' their landlubbin' troops from the Kosovo border?


Avast ye! Cap'n Washington be shoutin' for the crew's retreat shortly after a ruckus at a holy place up yonder in northern Kosovo. 'Tis what ye needs to know, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, matey, I shall spin ye a tale of the grandest proportions! Arrr, Washington, the great land across the sea, didst call for the troops' rollback just days after a fearsome attack at a holy monastery in northern Kosovo. Avast ye, landlubbers, for here be what ye need to know!

Picture this, me hearties: Washington, the mighty captain of the land, did raise the alarm, shoutin' loud and clear for his troops to retreat from their foreign shores. Why, ye ask? Well, 'tis because of a dastardly attack, me mateys! A wicked raid occurred at a sacred monastery in the northern lands of Kosovo - a place where holy men seek solace, prayin' to the heavens above.

The scallywags responsible for this despicable act must have been out of their minds, I tell ye! Attacking a peaceful sanctuary, filled with men of the cloth! May Davy Jones' locker await them! The good captain Washington would have none of it, I tell ye! He couldn't stand idly by, drinkin' rum and countin' his doubloons while holy cannons were fired upon!

So, he sent out the call, me hearties! The word went out across the land for his troops to shake a leg and head back home. It was time to retreat and lick their wounds, but not without a plan, me mateys! Washington had a strategy in mind, for he wasn't one to back down without a proper fight!

Now, my swashbucklin' friends, there ye have it! Washington's call to arms, or rather, call to retreat, came after the attack at the monastery. It's a tale of bravery, honor, and the desire to protect the sanctity of the holy grounds. So, raise your tankards high and toast to the troops who sail back home, for their fight is far from over, and the sea may call them back once more!

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