The Booty Report

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Arrr! Canada be gettin' a new blabbermouth after a right clumsy blunder that be scarfin' Parliament's pride!


Arrr, me hearties! On Tuesday, the House of Commons be choosin' a new speaker. The current speaker be walkin' the plank, abandonin' ship under historic circumstances. Aye, buckle up, 'tis gonna be a tale to remember!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to this tale of the House of Commons, where a new speaker be elected on Tuesday! Now, ye see, the current speaker be resigning, and it be quite an historic event, I tell ye!

Picture this, me mateys. The House of Commons, a place of much bickering and squabbling, be in need of a new captain to steer the ship. The speaker, ye see, be the one who keeps all those rowdy scallywags in line, making sure they follow the rules. But alas, the current speaker be stepping down, leaving the position up for grabs!

Now, ye may be wonderin' why this be such a big deal. Well, let me tell ye, it be a rare occurrence for a speaker to resign. It be like findin' a treasure chest full of gold doubloons! It be a moment that will go down in history, mark me words!

So, on Tuesday, the House of Commons will gather to elect a new speaker. They'll be holdin' a vote, with all the members castin' their ballots. It be like a fierce battle on the high seas, with each pirate vying for the position, ready to outsmart their opponents.

But let me warn ye, me hearties, this be no ordinary election. The speaker be chosen based on their wit, their knowledge of the rules, and their ability to keep order amongst those unruly scallywags. It be a position that requires a firm hand and a quick tongue!

So, me fellow pirates, let us raise a tankard of rum to this momentous occasion! May the House of Commons find a new speaker who be as fierce as a pirate captain and as witty as a parrot. Arrr, let the election begin!

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