The Booty Report

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Arr! A boat o' the Libyan coast guard be crashin' 'pon a wee migrant dinghy, tossin' 50 souls int' the treacherous Mediterranean sea!


Avast ye, me mateys! On the day of Friday, a vessel from the Libyans, who fancy themselves as coast guards, didst recklessly smash into a wee dinghy, causing it to take on water like a leaky bucket! Aye, 50 poor souls were aboard that unfortunate vessel, lost amidst the treacherous waters off the North African shores.

Ahoy mateys! Avast ye! A Libyan coast guard boat be rammin' into a dingy carryin' some 50 migrants just off Libya's coast. Arrr, the poor souls be thrown into the treacherous Mediterranean Sea and had to swim to another Libyan ship nearby fer safety, says a rescue group. It be seemin' like this be the latest reckless sea interception o' migrants by the Libyan coast guard, who be gettin' trained and financed by the European Union to stop the influx o' migrants to Europe. Arrr, Libya be the place where many a scallywag be seekin' a better life in Europe.
The German sea rescue group Sea-Watch be releasin' a video showin' the Libyan coast guard boat approachin' the dinghy, and lo and behold, most of them poor souls be fallin' into the water. Sea-Watch says the Libyan coast guard then be takin' the migrants aboard another ship, a coast guard frigate.
Argh, there be no immediate reports of any scallywags dyin' or be missin'. Sea-Watch be sayin' that the coast guard be chasin' the rubber dingy since early Friday mornin' before slammin' into its side. From their twin-engine Seabird, the Sea-Watch rescuers be shoutin' at the Libyan coast guard to stop chasin' the dingy, but it be seemin' they didn't listen.
The Sea-Watch video, filmed from the Seabird, be showin' the poor souls who were plunged into the sea swimmin' towards the nearby frigate and sailors throwin' buoyance vests to 'em. Those who stayed on the sinkin' dingy be pulled towards the frigate and also be taken on board. A spokesman from the Libyan coast guard be not answerin' requests for comment.
Arrr, a civilian rescue ship called Louise Michel be arrivin' at the scene not long after and be askin' to take the migrants, but the coast guard be sayin' no. Since 2015, the EU be fundin' the Libyan coast guard to try and stop the flow o' migrants to Italy.
Arrr, it be a dangerous situation out there on the high seas, me hearties. These poor souls be riskin' it all to find a better life, but they be facin' danger and chaos. Let's hope they find the safety they be seekin' and that this treacherous journey ends soon. Yo ho ho!

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