The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scurvy dogs be sayin' that the death toll be risin', blame be on the safety violations at the Iraq wedding fire!


Arrr, the grand hall o' wedlock be lackin' exits fer emergency and a sprin'ler system. 'Twas built with materials akin to them used in Grenfell Tower, where a fiery inferno be claimin' 79 souls. A perilous choice indeed for a celebratory shindig!

Arr, me hearties! Gather round and listen to me tale of a wedding hall fit for the scurviest of pirates. Picture this, me lads and lasses, a grand celebration underway, with music, merriment, and grog aplenty. But alas, me heart sank like a cannonball when I laid me eyes upon the sorry state of that hall.

Ye see, this establishment lacked the most basic of safety precautions. There were no emergency exits to be found, as if they were hidden treasure buried deep below the ocean waves. And don't get me started on the lack of a sprinkler system! It be like sailing into a storm without a compass or a sturdy ship to weather the waves.

But what truly set me skull afire was the materials used in constructing that cursed hall. It be akin to the very materials used in Grenfell Tower, that fateful place in London where a blaze engulfed it in flames and claimed the lives of 79 souls. 'Twas a tragedy of epic proportions, me hearties.

Now, ye might be wonderin' why I be speakin' in such a whimsical manner about such a serious matter. Well, let me tell ye, there be no better way to bring attention to the absurdity of it all than with a touch of humor. But make no mistake, me mates, the safety of our fellow pirates be no laughing matter.

So raise a tankard of rum with me, me hearties, and let us toast to the importance of proper safety measures. May we never find ourselves in a hall without emergency exits or a sprinkler system, lest our celebrations turn into a fiery inferno. Yo ho ho and a bottle of fire safety, me friends!

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