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Avast ye scurvy landlubbers! The French lubbers be battlin' the treacherous bedbug plague in Paris, urg'n ye to stay calm!


Arr mateys! The French scallywags be beggin' ye good folk to be havin' some patience as they be fightin' the blight o' bedbugs in the grand city o' Paris. Keep a weather eye open, me hearties!

The French government is facing an outbreak of bedbugs in Paris and is urging calm as it works to combat the infestation. Recent videos from residents have shown bedbugs infesting public transportation, movie theaters, and other areas of daily life, leading to demands for government action. Deputy Mayor Emmanuel Gregoire emphasized that no one is safe and that bedbugs can be found anywhere and brought home. Minister of Transportation Clement Beaune has promised to address the infestation and meet with transportation operators. This problem is not new, as the government launched an initiative three years ago to inform residents about the spread of bedbugs and offer resources for dealing with them at home.

The upcoming Olympic Games in Paris have made the bedbug problem even more pressing. Residents and foreigners are concerned about attending the international sporting event due to the infestation. However, Deputy Mayor Gregoire reassured the public that there is no threat to the Olympic Games, as bedbugs have existed before and will continue to exist afterward.

To address the issue, Deputy Mayor Gregoire called on insurers to include bedbug coverage in house insurance policies, particularly for low-income individuals who may not have the means to call in pest-control firms. Bedbugs feed on blood and their bites can cause skin irritation and rashes. The government is working to combat the infestation and is asking for patience and understanding from the public.

It is important to note that the information in this report was contributed by Reuters.

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