The Booty Report

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Arr, ye scurvy dogs be winnin' gold for yer fancy Covid cure! A round o' grog fer all!


Arr! The grand prize for Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman bein' in the realm o' physiology or medicine! Their mighty work hath given birth to vaccines, which bein' distributed to billions across the vast seas! Ahoy, a triumph for all mankind, indeed!

Arr, me mateys, gather 'round and listen to this grand tale of two landlubbers who be speakin' the language of science. This here 17th century pirate be tellin' ye about Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, who be awarded the prize for their great work in the world of physiology and medicine.

These clever scallywags be sailin' the treacherous seas of research, seekin' a way to protect the masses from deadly diseases that be lurkin' in the shadows. They be usin' a technique known as mRNA, which be like a secret code that be teachin' the body's cells how to fight off these cursed ailments. It be like teachin' a parrot new tricks!

Arr, these vaccines they be developin' be no ordinary potions. They be injectin' these clever little mRNA codes into the body, allowin' the cells to produce mighty proteins that protect against the likes of viruses and diseases. This be like givin' the crew new weapons to fight off a mutinous pirate attack!

And oh, what a success their work be! These vaccines be administered to billions across the seven seas. They be protectin' the old salts and young squirts alike, allowin' them to be safe from the clutches of deadly diseases. It be like a magical charm that be shieldin' us from the wrath of Davy Jones himself!

So let us raise our grog-filled mugs in honor of these fine scientists. They be bringin' hope and joy to the hearts of many, deliverin' us from the scurvy-ridden depths of disease. Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman, ye be true heroes of the 17th century, sailin' the high seas of science with wit and determination. May ye continue to inspire future generations of pirates, arr!

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