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Avast ye! A monstrous blaze did grace the English night sky, brought forth by a mighty lightning strike!


Avast ye, me hearties! 'Twas a mighty blaze in the heavens o'er England, forsooth! Yonder biogas container, struck by celestial lightning, did erupt with a bang, illuminating the night sky like a grand fireball. So spake the officials, ye scurvy dogs!

A lightning strike in England caused a massive gas explosion and a spectacular fireball in the night sky. The incident occurred at a food waste recycling plant in Oxfordshire, at the Severn Trent Green Power Plant in Cassington. The lightning hit a digester tank, leading to one of its biogas tanks catching fire. Thankfully, no one was injured, and the company is working with emergency services to ensure the site is safe and assess the damage.

The local police department, Thames Valley Police, stated on social media that the fire was caused by lightning striking the gas containers during bad weather. BBC News reported that multiple emergency vehicles responded to the scene, including fire engines, police vehicles, and ambulances.

Witnesses described the event as a brilliant white light followed by a loud crack, similar to heavy thunder. The sky then turned pulsating orange, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Jack Frowde, a 34-year-old worker at Oxford University, witnessed the phenomenon from her kitchen and managed to capture the fading orange glow on her camera.

While the incident was undoubtedly dangerous, it also provided a unique display of natural forces. The combination of lightning and gas resulted in a memorable and awe-inspiring event. Fortunately, the quick response from emergency services and the company's cooperation ensured the safety of all individuals involved.

It serves as a reminder of the power and unpredictability of nature and the importance of being prepared for unexpected events. The incident will likely be a topic of discussion in the local community for some time, with people sharing their own experiences and marveling at the incredible sight.

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