The Booty Report

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Arr, blimey! The U.N. scallywags be discoverin' more o' them Russian dogs sendin' Ukrainian prisoners to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr! A fanciful U.N. report be claimin' that in this here war, both sides be treatin' prisoners like scurvy dogs, but the miscreants from Moscow be outshinin' 'em all! They be refusin' to cooperate with those investigatin' scallywags.

In a report fit for the crew of a pirate ship, the United Nations has accused Moscow of being a rotten scallywag in their treatment of detainees during the war. Arrr, they claim that both sides have been up to no good, but those rascals in Moscow have taken the prize for their despicable acts and downright refusal to cooperate with the investigators!

Now, ye may be wonderin' what sort of abuses these Moscow marauders have been up to. Well, me hearties, the U.N. report be sayin' that they've been treatin' their captives worse than a scurvy dog! They've been beatin' 'em black and blue, denyin' 'em basic rights, and even resortin' to torture. Aye, they be a cruel bunch indeed!

But that ain't all, mateys! The report also claims that these Moscow scoundrels have been playin' hard to get with the investigators. They've been refusin' to cooperate, like a stubborn parrot clingin' to its perch. It seems they have no intention of ownin' up to their misdeeds, and it be drivin' the U.N. mad!

Now, I reckon ye might be thinkin', "What about the other side, then?" Well, the U.N. report does say they've been engage in some unsavory business as well. But it seems Moscow be the leader of the pack when it comes to bein' a downright despicable crew.

So, there ye have it, me hearties. The U.N. report be condemnin' Moscow for their mistreatment of prisoners and their refusal to cooperate. 'Tis a sad state of affairs, but we can only hope that justice will prevail and these scoundrels will be made to walk the plank!

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