The Booty Report

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The fair wench, Julia Ormond, be claimin' that scoundrel Harvey Weinstein did lay hands on her unlawfully.


Ms. Ormond be takin' both Creative Artists Agency and Disney to court, mateys! They be representin' her, while Disney be ownin' that scurvy dog Weinstein's Miramax. Avast, the battle begins!

In a hilarious twist of events that could rival any 17th-century pirate tale, Ms. Ormond recently took legal action against not only Harvey Weinstein but also Creative Artists Agency and Disney. Arrrr, imagine that! Ms. Ormond, brave as a swashbuckler, accused Creative Artists Agency, which was her representation back then, of not properly protecting her from the unsavory advances of Mr. Weinstein. And if that wasn't enough to make you walk the plank with laughter, she also set her sights on the mighty Disney, the owner of Mr. Weinstein's Miramax.

Now, ye may be wonderin' what Ms. Ormond be seekin' from this here lawsuit. Well, she be demandin' monetary compensation, mateys! While the exact amount be shrouded in secrecy like hidden treasure, it be clear that she be wantin' those scallywags to pay up for the damages caused by the alleged misdeeds of Mr. Weinstein.

Picture this, me hearties: a fierce battle takin' place in the courtroom, with Ms. Ormond, armed with legal cannons, facin' off against the powerful CAA and Disney. The air be thick with anticipation, like the misty fog on a stormy sea. Will justice prevail, or will the defendants outwit her, like a clever pirate escapin' from the Royal Navy?

One thing be certain, mateys: this here lawsuit be no ordinary skirmish. It be a clash of titanic proportions, involvin' not just one scurvy dog, but a whole fleet of 'em. And as the legal battle rages on, we can only hope that the outcome will be fair and just, bringin' an end to this tale of piracy and misconduct.

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