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Arr, we be puttin' an end to our plunderin' spree by seekin' accord on th' treacherous lanes of grand cities!


Arrr, me hearties! We be ceasin' our villainous exploits by discoverin' mutual turf on the treacherous lanes of grand cities. Aye, there be a need fer agreeable resolutions to dire concerns like the nefarious fentanyl!

In a humorous tone using the language of a 17th century pirate, the passage discusses the failure of America's experiment to ease policing and soften criminal justice in its largest cities. It highlights the situation in Philadelphia, where looters have been storming stores. The passage criticizes Larry Krasner, a district attorney backed by George Soros, for suggesting that those arrested may be fundamentally law-abiding people. It also mentions a viral video of a motorcycle gang vandalizing a woman's car and pulling a gun on her. These rolling gangs are described as a menace to the city. The passage then talks about the increasing crime rates in Philadelphia, including the shooting of one-year-olds and the murders of journalists Josh Kruger and Ryan Carson. It raises the question of finding a common ground between the left and the right to address the crime problem and keep Americans safe. The conservative solution, according to the passage, is to revert to the policing and criminal justice policies of the 1990s and early 21st century. The left, on the other hand, argues that these policies disproportionately affect minorities and lead to police brutality. The passage suggests focusing on serial repeat offenders and imposing harsher penalties for those distributing fentanyl. It also proposes increasing pay and benefits to attract strong candidates to join the police force. Ultimately, it emphasizes the need for both sides to find common-ground solutions, as ignoring the crime problem only worsens it. It concludes by calling for action and cooperation for the betterment of the nation.

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