The Booty Report

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Arrr! A band o' landlubber tourists from the Lone Star State takin' refuge in Israel, while them scallywags of Hamas be causin' trouble.


Arr! A merry band o' 15 Texan landlubbers, venturin' through Israel, were made to hunker down in fear as those scurvy Hamas scoundrels unleashed their treacherous assault upon the land o'er the weekend.

A group of American tourists visiting Israel were caught in the midst of a major attack by Hamas terrorists. Approximately 15 tourists from Texas had to take shelter in their accommodations while they awaited confirmation that it was safe for them to leave the country. The tour was organized by Mejdi Tours, a Florida-based company that aims to show Americans different aspects of life in a region marked by religious and political divisions. The organization's co-founders, Aziz Abu Sarah and Scott Cooper, have Palestinian and Jewish backgrounds respectively, and they arrange tours of Israel and occupied territories with both a Jewish and a Palestinian guide. The group from Texas had planned to leave through Jordan, and the tour guides decided to stay with them during this difficult time.

Mejdi Tours had around 50 American customers in Israel during the Hamas attack, but most of them were able to leave the country safely through Jordan. The current death toll from the attack is over 1,100, with thousands more injured. Hamas continues to launch rockets and deploy militants, while Israel responds with retaliatory strikes towards Gaza. Sarah, one of the co-founders of Mejdi Tours, hopes that the conflict, driven by hatred, can come to an end. He believes that there is a wall of ignorance, fear, and hatred dividing people, and he wants to put cracks in that wall and find another way to resolve the differences.

In this humorous summary, a group of American tourists from Texas visiting Israel found themselves in a pickle as Hamas terrorists launched a major attack on the country. They were forced to hunker down in their accommodations, anxiously waiting for confirmation that it was safe to leave the country. The tour was organized by Mejdi Tours, a company that specializes in showing Americans the different sides of life in a region plagued by religious and political divisions. The tour guides, one Jewish and one Palestinian, decided to stay with the group during this trying time.

Fortunately, most of the American tourists were able to depart through Jordan, but around 15 Texans remained stranded. The death toll from the attack was over 1,100, with countless more injured. Hamas continued their onslaught, launching rockets and deploying fighters, prompting Israel to respond with retaliatory strikes towards Gaza.

Sarah, one of the co-founders of Mejdi Tours, hoped for an end to the conflict. He believed that the animosity between the two sides was fueled by ignorance, fear, and hatred, and he aimed to crack the walls that divided people. It was a dire situation, and Sarah's heart went out to the affected tourists and the people of Israel. With a touch of humor, the summary shed light on the gravity of the situation while acknowledging the resilience and determination of those involved.

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