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Arr! Putin's silence after the assault on Israel be speakin' a mighty tale, me mateys!


Arr, me hearties! Vladimir Putin, the scurvy dog, be havin' a history of showin' his friendly face to Israel. But, by Davy Jones' locker, his silence since Saturday's assault be tellin' us how the war in Ukraine be tearin' their friendship apart. Shiver me timbers!

In a jolly 17th century pirate tongue, let me tell ye a tale 'bout ol' Vladimir Putin and his ties to Israel. Now, this scallywag has always been keen on showin' his friendly side to the land of milk and honey, but it seems that the war in Ukraine be testin' the waters of their relationship.

Arr, ye see, Mr. Putin has been as quiet as a mouse since the assault on Saturday, and that silence speaks louder than the roar of a cannon. It be a clear sign that the war has strained the ties between these two lands, mateys.

Now, some may wonder why this be such a big deal. Well, ye see, Israel be a country that be holdin' some sway in the high seas of global politics. And ol' Putin, he be wantin' to maintain them friendly relations to keep his ship afloat.

But alas, it seems that the stormy waves of Ukraine be causin' some trouble. Ye know how it be, mates. Wars have a way of muddlin' up things, even between old friends.

So here we be, watchin' ol' Putin walkin' the plank of silence, not utterin' a word about the assault. It be a peculiar sight, indeed. Ye can almost hear the crickets chirpin' in the background.

But fear not, me hearties! This be just a bump in the road. Ol' Putin be known for his crafty ways, and he may yet find a way to repair the damage. After all, pirates be resilient creatures, always lookin' for a way to navigate the treacherous waters of international relations.

So let's raise a tankard of rum, me mateys, and toast to the uncertain future of Putin's relationship with Israel. May they find their way back to calmer seas and smooth sailin' once again.

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