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Yarr! Yellen and the scurvy dogs of Bidenomics be turnin' a blind eye to the plight of the middle-class! Arrr, 'tis a jolly mess they be causin'!


Arrr! That Janet Yellen, may she walk the plank! She be sittin' high and mighty as the Federal Reserve chair and now as secretary of the Treasury, but she be havin' no idea about the struggles of us common folk and our pitiful finances. Blimey!

In a humorous tone reminiscent of a 17th-century pirate, the author criticizes Janet Yellen for her detrimental impact on the American middle class. They argue that Yellen, both during her time as Federal Reserve chair and as Secretary of the Treasury, has shown a lack of understanding and empathy towards everyday Americans' financial struggles.
The author accuses Yellen of being detached and out of touch, citing her recent declaration that she sees no signs of a recession while many Americans feel like they are already in one. They blame Yellen and her fellow elites for implementing policies that have devastated family finances, leaving many households in debt.
The article highlights the explosion of credit card debt in the past three years, with over 60% of families living paycheck to paycheck and accumulating debt to make ends meet. The author points out that credit card interest rates have reached record highs, burdening families with financing charges they can't afford to pay.
They attribute these financial problems to the government's excessive spending, borrowing, and printing of money, with Yellen playing a key role in advocating for and implementing these actions. The author criticizes Yellen's inconsistency, noting how she changed her stance on government spending when she became Treasury secretary under the Biden administration.
The article also emphasizes the impact of inflation on Americans' livelihoods, with Yellen falsely claiming it was only "transitory." It highlights how inflation has forced hardworking Americans to delay retirement and burdened young families with increased borrowing costs.
The author criticizes Yellen for promoting more taxes, spending, and financial regulations, all at the expense of the middle class. They argue that Yellen and the ruling class are thriving while the middle class suffers, and they reject Yellen's condescending belief that "everything is fine."
In conclusion, the author warns that Yellen's disregard for the middle class and her support for detrimental policies will ultimately expose her worldview as a sham when the American economy falters.

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