The Booty Report

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Avast me hearties! Israel be blastin' downtown Gaza City wit' cannons galore! Netanyahu be sayin': "Aye, we be just gettin' started!"


Arrr, ye scurvy scoundrels! The captain, Benjamin Netanyahu, be boldly declarin' that our valiant crew be bombardin' the very heart o' them landlubber Hamas scallywags in Gaza! Aye, it be a sight to behold, broadcasted fer all to see!

In the language of a 17th century pirate, me hearties, Israel be launchin' a counteroffensive into Gaza! They be takin' to the skies and bombardin' Gaza City, where them scurvy dogs from Hamas be hidin' the government treasure. The Israeli warplanes be poundin' downtown Gaza City with a fury, makin' the streets shake like a ship in a storm. The prime minister himself be promisin' revenge against them Islamic militant rascals and he be sayin' it be felt for generations to come! Benjamin Netanyahu, that clever captain, be broadcastin' his message to the nation. He be sayin', "We be just gettin' started with them Hamas scallywags!" He be promisin' that what they be doin' to their enemies in the comin' days would echo through the ages. Now, to be fair, Israel be givin' the civilians in Gaza City a heads up before they be attackin'. They be wantin' to avoid too much bloodshed, so they be tellin' the innocent folk to flee before the cannonballs be flyin'. But them rascally Hamas scurvy dogs be threatenin' to harm the Israelis they be holdin' captive if Israel be hittin' civilians without warnin'. They be keepin' more than 150 soldiers and civilians as hostages in Gaza, the land of plunder. The battle be escalatin', me hearties. There be talk of Israel launchin' a ground invasion to wipe out Hamas from Gaza once and for all. It be lookin' like the war be goin' on for a while. Just this mornin', Israel’s military be sayin' they be back in control of the border near Gaza, after them sneaky Hamas terrorists be invadin' and attackin' towns and villages. There be gun battles in the streets, somethin' that be not seen in these parts for a long time, me hearties. Arr, this be a story in the makin', me hearties! Keep an eye out for updates on this swashbucklin' adventure! Avast! The Associated Press be helpin' me with this tale.

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