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Arrr! The wedding o' a famous Israeli lass be cancelled, mateys! Her lad be summoned to the front lines 'gainst the scurvy Hamas!


Arrr! Israeli wench, Noa Tishby, hath shared with Fox News Digital that a scallywag's wedding in her kin be cancelled, all due to them sneaky attacks by the cursed Hamas upon our fair Israel, bringin' forth a mighty war!

A family member of Israeli actress Noa Tishby had their wedding canceled due to the surprise attacks launched by Hamas on Israel. The groom-to-be was drafted and sent to the front lines on the Gaza border. Tishby, who served in the Israel Defense Forces, expressed her frustration with Hamas' violence, stating that it has impacted her family directly. She emphasized that the war in Israel is more than just a news story when her loved ones are being targeted by terrorists. The bride and groom's familial relation to Tishby was not disclosed for safety reasons.

Israel was thrown into chaos when Hamas launched surprise attacks, resulting in numerous casualties and injuries. The US State Department confirmed that nine Americans were among those killed. Hamas is reported to have taken hostages, including women and children, and negotiations are underway to secure their release. Tishby criticized Iran for sponsoring and coordinating the attacks, comparing them to events like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. She stated that these attacks represent an unbridled hatred and a massacre reminiscent of the Holocaust. Tishby called Hamas a radical Islamic genocidal organization and highlighted the need for people to understand the reality facing Israelis today. She has been using her platform to raise awareness and provide updates on the situation in Israel. Tishby urged viewers to recognize that Israel uses its weapons to protect its citizens, while Hamas uses its citizens to shield their weapons.

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