The Booty Report

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"Avast ye! 'No Accident' be a jolly good show, puttin' those scurvy white supremacists on trial, ye scallywags!"


Avast ye mateys! A grand tale be told o' a parchment called a documentary. 'Tis a chronicle of the lawsuit filed 'gainst the scurvy dogs who led a violent gathering o' white supremacist scallywags in the year 2017, in the fair lands o' Charlottesville, Va. Arrr, buckle up for some high-seas justice!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen to this tale o' the high seas of justice! There be a documentary, ye see, that be chroniclin' the grand lawsuit filed against the scurvy leaders of the dastardly 2017 white supremacist rally in the town o' Charlottesville, in the mighty land o' Virginia.

Now, let me tell ye, mateys, this ain't no ordinary lawsuit. It be a fierce battle between the forces o' good and the forces o' evil. The filmmakers be takin' us on a journey, showin' us the very depths o' wickedness and the fight for justice that followed.

Picture this, me hearties: a court filled with the righteous, ready to make those scallywags pay for their despicable actions. They be sailin' into the storm, facin' the consequences o' their hateful deeds. It be a tale that be both grippin' and eye-openin'.

But fear not, me buckos, for this documentary be servin' up its justice with a side o' humor! The language be that of a 17th century pirate, with its jolly phrases and lively expressions. Ye'll be chucklin' as ye witness the downfall o' these villains, for justice be best served with a hearty laugh.

Now, I be warnin' ye, this tale be a mighty important one. It be sheddin' light on the dark corners o' society, exposin' the vile ideologies that still lurk in our midst. But fear not, for the filmmakers be usin' their craft to educate, to entertain, and to bring about change.

So, me hearties, prepare to be entertained and informed! Set sail with this documentary and witness the battle against the white supremacist scoundrels. The filmmakers be takin' us on a wild ride, full o' laughter and justice. It be a tale that needs to be told, and a lesson that needs to be learned. May the winds of change blow in our favor, and may justice prevail!

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